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Animal Welfare Committee Officers

Committee Policies

Chair Responsibilities:

  • Provides leadership and direction to the committee

  • Act as a liaison between the E-board and your officers

  • General meetings

    • Attend general meetings to present slides

    • Coordinate with officer to present slides if unable to attend 

  • Send email announcements and post events on AED website 

  • Keep officers accountable for their assigned duties

  • Teach officers how to manage Wix AED website

  • Plan/Lead Animal Drives throughout the year

  • Input volunteer hours for members when needed

  • Delegate responsibilities and schedule committee meetings 

  • Respond in a timely manner to all communication from the E-board, general members, or committee members

  • Lead and inspire members to participate in committee activities

  • Send out bi-weekly email updates to designated liaison 

  • Create flyers to promote planned drives and events 

  • Fill out required request forms for events and flyers 


Officer Responsibilities:

  • Attend Animal Welfare Committee officer meetings when scheduled

  • Officers must host at least one event per semester 

  • Officers must be present at all drives

    • If not available, officer must reach out and plan accordingly with chair 

  • Fully understands all short-and long-range plan of the committee

  • Communicate efficiently with Chair and other officers

  • General meetings

    • Present slides if the Chair is unable to attend the meeting

  • Help to plan/put together Drives 

  • Input volunteer hours for members when needed

  • Help create and send out social media flyers/promotions 

Interested in an Officer Position?

Click below to see the list of available positions and how to apply!

Training Videos

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