About Us
Hi Potential Member!
The Alpha Epsilon Delta Nevada Beta chapter here at UNLV is one of 186 chapters that serves a total of over 144,000 students around the country pursuing a career in Healthcare. As a member of AED, you join an organization committed to making a positive difference in the community through healthcare and through humanitarian efforts. AED is beaming with like-minded individuals who uphold our values of Academic Excellence, Selfless Service to our Community, and Professionalism.
Nevada Beta works tirelessly to serve the Las Vegas community through organizations such as Special Olympics, Three Square, Ronald McDonald House, Las Vegas Rescue Mission, and more. When our students are not serving the community, they are utilizing AED’s resources to attend speaker presentations from different healthcare programs and professionals from around the country, getting involved in shadowing and other clinical experiences, and developing themselves professionally in preparation to apply to their prospective graduate programs.
AED currently has 12 committees that each offer a unique experience within our organization, such as Physician Shadowing, Professional Development, and Wellness Committees. We always encourage growth within our organization, and we praise those willing to take the initiative to start a new committee and bring new connections and opportunities to our membership. AED caters primarily to students pursuing medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, and veterinary, but encourage ALL students with a passion for healthcare to join our organization.
Adriana Carrillo
AED NV Beta President


Vitalant is a community non-profit that offers convenient blood donation opportunities and shares their expertise in transfusion medicine. We exist to make a difference in people’s lives by bringing together the best people, inspiring individuals to donate blood, and producing a safe and ample blood supply.

The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. This gives them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.

The mission of RMHC® of Greater Las Vegas is to provide a supportive “home-away-from-home” for families and children who are receiving inpatient or outpatient medical treatment at local hospitals. Without their House, families might have to sleep in the hospital lobby, a child’s hospital room or even in their cars, as most families cannot afford a hotel room for weeks or sometimes months – especially under the financial stress of mounting medical bills.

Relay For Life is a team fundraising cancer walk event where team members take turns walking around a track or designated path. Each event is 6-24 hours in length and each team is asked to have a member on the track at all times to signify that cancer never sleeps. Cancer patients don’t stop because they’re tired, and for one night, neither do we.

Heaven Can Wait operates a high-volume/high-quality, low-cost/no-cost spay/neuter clinic near Eastern & 95. This clinic serves as a valuable resource for those who aren’t able to afford sterilization services at regular veterinary prices. Amazingly, over the past 18 years they have spay/neutered upwards of 130,000 cats and dogs, the majority of which would have never been sterilized without our help!

Created in 2006, Toys 4 Smiles began as a community-based campaign to manufacture wooden toy cars for children in the Las Vegas valley. Since its inception, the non-profit has donated over 300,000 cars to first responders and other philanthropic organizations in Southern Nevada

Opportunity Village is dedicated to providing people with disabilities enrichment, empowerment, and employment opportunities. Through vocational training, community employment, day services, advocacy, arts and social recreation, these people are able to find new friends, realize future career paths, seek independence and community integration, and unleash creative passions.

The Blind Center of Nevada assists people who are blind or visually impaired in reaching their highest physical, social, intellectual, and economic potential.
To achieve these objectives they pursue three focus areas: personal development, social interaction, and provident living.

The mission of the Miracle League of Las Vegas is to provide children and adults with cognitive and/or physical challenges in the greater Las Vegas community the opportunity to play baseball and soccer in a safe and nurturing environment.